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  • Writer's pictureMarco Filippin

Mini Venice

A small town in Baku Boulevard, it's a perfect refreshing stop during a walk on the seaside. It was built in 1960 and expanded to have up to 10.000 square meter in 2012. The town is made of two large and several small islands, which are linked by decorative stone bridges, and gondolas that can be noticed when travelling in the channels full of still and clean water. The redevelopment of the “Small Venetian town” witnessed the expansion of the existing channels and the construction of additional bridges and two restaurants, offering Western and Eastern cuisine. Boats are provided to encompass four people: one is designed for guide and the rest for passengers. Being nearby the Caspian seashore, the sensation of being in the real Italian Venice immediately arises, although probably not as strong for Italian tourists. The restaurants located in the islands offer different meals, including many tasty Azeri dishes. Lunch or dinner also are highly recommended nearby the beautiful islands, all connected by ornate bridges. The place is a very relaxing destination for all walks of life enjoying the view next to the Caspian Sea.

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